I Feel So Special…

Why, you ask? I had my very first set of Twitter haters.

Yep, I feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy now. No more #FOMO.

So here’s how it all went down:

Chuck Woolery (yes, the 2 and 2 guy, of The Dating Game fame), put up this post yesterday, to which I gave my humble opinion:


Excuse my typo (pet peeve). But not too bad, right? Kind of a general, all inclusive everyone-should-hang-their-head kind of thing…This is what happened next:


So, I went and looked at said, deliberately unidentified person’s Twitter account. Liberal, feminist, hates #POTUS. OK, I can appreciate others opinions, but this got personal, and she tried to make an example out of me. So, I responded:


A few moments later:


So, again, I looked at said, deliberately unidentified person’s Twitter account. Same deal. OK, so you know me, I HAD to do it:


Yup. I went there. Here’s what happened, literally, 5 minutes later:


My point? This is what trolls do. They try to bait you into an argument. What is wrong with my Twitter identity stating “wife” first? I wear the name proudly, I rather enjoy being a wife. So, is being proud of being a wife something to be ASHAMED of? I, personally, think not. Being a wife and mother is a job to be PROUD of. Something that I would think any feminist would get behind. The strength of a family starts with HER.

How many of you have had similar experiences? Sound off, leave a note, comment.

#MAGA #ProudWife #AmericanJusticeWarrior

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